Email Profit Genie | Andrew Carlson

How Much Could You Be Making From Your Email List?

Enter your current numbers into the calculator to see what's possible with your current list!

[Chances are... you'll be surprised with your results.]

The calculator pulls your data and compares it against industry averages whether your model is straight to a sales page to sell or to book a call.

To make things even more interesting...

You'll also see a comparison based on what is possible working together with me based on my current averages.

What does that mean?

You'll be able to see how much money you're missing out on from your list in real-time!

Check it out!

Email Revenue Calculator

DISCLAIMER: This is NOT a guarantee that you'll make this. This is simply a reflection of what's possible based on my average metrics. There's a lot of factors that go into determining what we can accomplish together.

It's okay.... I know we just met AND I can work magic for you. 🪄

Whoa there buddy... Who the heck are you?!

Hey 👋 I’m Andrew Carlson, and I help high-ticket coaches who are looking to extract more profit from their current email list.

Fun fact about me is I used to struggle with chronic illness for 6+ years after dealing with 10+ health surgeries but used natural methods to eliminate my chronic illness issues.

Check out some of my testimonials and samples on here and if you’re ready, I’m looking to take on one more client this month who wants to extract found money from their list.

If you checked your metrics and you're not even bringing in the "industry standard" based on your numbers... we definitely need to talk.

Let's start bringing in revenue from your list (or booking calls onto your calendar)!

Well now if you're reading this... you're still not convinced. That's cool. Do you hate money or are you wanting to see some samples and case studies?

Oh You're Still Here... Case Studies & Samples It Is!

Case Studies / Testimonials

Yes... this stuff actually works!

ATTENTION: You'll be taken to a Google Drive document. Make sure to come back and schedule your call...


So you're being nosey, are ya?!

ATTENTION: You'll be taken to a Google Drive document. Make sure to come back and schedule your call...

Okay... Let Me Be More Direct This Time:

Book In a Call To Discuss Making More Money From Your List!

Note: If your list is 3k-5k+, has an open rate of 20% or more, a proven offer, & a proven sales process... I have a sweet deal for you!

This is the end of the road. If you're not ready... all good. No pressure.

BUT if you have a list and you're ready to take it more seriously - let's talk. I make it so easy that you won't have to do ANYTHING except say "yes, I approve" and you'll make money when we set everything up properly. ;-)

BONUS: To those who attend the call... I'll give you a free gift whether we work together or not! It'll be worth your time. Guaranteed!